Emotional Wellbeing

Your general health and sense of wellbeing depend not only on physical aspects, but also require good emotional, mental and spiritual balance. This is also an essential part of any anti-aging program worth its salt, and essential for longevity.

Emotional health depends on the way you react to stress, and what strategies you have in place to cope with stressful situations. Mental health is the ability to think clearly and logically, and to interact in a productive manner with your environment.
Spiritual health concerns your core belief systems and how you use them to define the meaning of your life, and your place in the natural order of things. Sound spiritual principles help anchor you in times of external crisis and instability.
All three elements - mental, emotional & spiritual - are related, and vital to a healthy and happy life.

Emotions and your body

That your emotions affect you physically is no secret, but most people do not understand why or how. Emotional and mental health can be optimized by ensuring good overall health, as well as learning to reduce stress.

Stress reduction is not rocket science. Even if the stressors can’t be removed or avoided, there are things you can do to help lessen their impacts. Keep in mind that you cannot control or change everything – life happens regardless of your preferences. Focus on what matters, let go of what doesn’t and accept things that cannot be changed, and stress will not stand a chance.

My Naturopath can help by recognizing the signs of mental or emotional stress, and assist in formulating a strategy for addressing the problems causing stress in your personal life.

7 great stress reduction techniques that work

Manage time better.

This isn’t as difficult as it sounds. Just make a to-do-list for a day, week or month. Pick the real priorities and put the rest on the ‘maybe do’ list instead. If there are too many to-dos and not enough time, seek out help, delegate or simply say no to any other incoming tasks that can be set aside.

Organize clutter

. When a home or office is a in a state of disarray, a person’s mind is likely to be that way too. Tackle clutter one room - or one corner(!) - at a time. The more organized your environment, the more it will ease pressure on your mind. And the actual deed can be a stress reduction outlet in itself.


When it comes to fun and easy stress reduction measures that work, this one is hard to beat. Pick up a funny movie, watch a TV show, read the comics or just play with the kids. A good belly laugh removes tension and can even improve physical health along with it.

Focus on what matters.

One person cannot possibly do everything or control everything. Focus on what is important and learn to let go of what isn’t – this alone will work wonders for stress reduction.

Reframe thoughts.

Instead of always seeing the negative, pay attention to the positive. If something goes wrong and creates tension, allow for mitigating circumstances and/or well-meant intentions, remember a similar experience that - looking back - had positive outcomes, or simply put it in the ‘s**t happens’ basket of life.

Take time to relax.

This might be one of the hardest stress reduction techniques for over-worked and over-stressed people to employ, but it is an excellent one. Even if it’s 10 minutes in bed at the end of the day with a good book, doing something enjoyable can lessen tension and reduce stress.


Working out frustrations, aggressions and tension through exercise is good for the body and the mind.