Diet & Weight Management

Most people think weight loss when they hear ‘weight management’. Even though that's not necessarily so (even in our affluent western society, some people actually need to increase their weight to attain better health!), more often than not that is indeed the case. However, in the big scheme of staying healthy, the main goal is to feel good in your body.

Naturopathically, we actually care about fat loss - not weight loss. The ‘What’ that’s being lost from the body is more important than the ‘How Much’. And bottom line is, for your body to feel good and be healthy, it needs to be in perfect balance. In all areas.

There are a variety of programs available to target fat loss. All involve an initial assessment of your body composition, ie. how much fat/muscle/fluid do you have within your body? How much should you have?


is a strict fat loss program involving eating three meals a day & four sachets that mix into drinks as snacks. It involves weighing food and avoiding alcohol. However, it gets the results. Depending on how much fat loss is desired, the length of the program will vary.

Detox Ultralite

- this three week detox fat loss program is for the person who has only a few kilos of fat to lose to get back into shape. Not only do you get the benefit of the fat loss but also of detoxing the liver, and feeling more vibrant in your overall health & wellbeing.

Wellness Fat Loss

- As your body swings more into balance, you will find that those excess kilos naturally start to decrease. We can design a program that is specifically targeting your body’s needs.

"I always thought that I ate well... but I just couldn't loose any weight."

Before I started the UltraLite program I felt fat even though I had been walking every morning. I was always complaining that my shirt wouldn't button up properly or my clothes were very tight.

A friend of mine had a daughter that had lost 8kgs on the program and I thought, well, if she could do that I would give it a try.

My husband was terrific as he stood back and watched me weigh the food and prepare my meals to eat. He commented a lot on how everything looked terrific and was surprised on how much I was eating. I called the little sachets my miracle workers as they stopped me from eating between meals.

As the weight was coming off I was so excited to shop for jeans and I am wearing size 10 jeans and now my shirts don't gape.

Over the last few months I lost 7kgs and I am amazed that I have kept the weight off.

That really is the best part about this program: the fact that I have kept the weight off - and I've been on the program for 8 months now. I have been on holidays and learnt what to eat so I didn't put on any weight!

I feel terrific every time I put my work clothes on and when I go out as I am happy with my body now. And it's a real bonus when you have your weigh-in and find out you haven't put on any weight.

I would recommend this program to anyone as your body will adjust and keep the weight off over time which I belive is the key to a successful weight loss program.
Thanks, Leanne!
Gail Mulloy