Hormonal Balance

Optimizing your hormonal profile is vital for maintaining your immune health, and warding off disease and infections.

My Naturopath can work very successfully together with you in bringing your hormonal system into perfect balance. There are a number of ways this balance can be achieved, and depend on each individual.

The idea here is not merely to replace dwindling levels of a particular hormone, but rather to determine what is optimal for you at your present age and circumstances. It is a very precise process that requires the careful analysis of a trained practitioner.

Part of this process also involves minimizing the impact of substances such as cortisol, insulin, and estrogen (in men). These increase with age, and cause unhealthy shifts in body composition and physiological function.

The good news is that they can be dealt with effectively through simple lifestyle changes and proper nutrition. If you suspect an imbalance in your hormonal system, contact us for an assessment.

7 easy steps to improve your hormonal health

Step 1

Assess your condition to see if you might have a hormonal imbalance. Clues to an imbalance would include irregular periods and severe PMS, feeling sad or depressed, frequent bouts of diarrhea, loss of energy, feeling overwhelmed, and unhealthy shifts in body composition and physiological function.

Step 2

Go to your doctor, if you think you may have a hormone imbalance, especially after having some of the symptoms above. Your doctor will be able to give you tests to find out your hormone levels. This is important as it can also establish whether there may be other, more serious, reasons for that.

Step 3

Tell your doctor you want to re-balance your hormones naturally. This way you can avoid hormone replacement therapy. The doctor can give you other recommendations as well as monitor your progress by re-checking hormone levels periodically.

Step 4

Find ways to reduce your stress and relax. Stress is a major factor in disrupting the natural hormone cycles. You can help to balance your hormones naturally by figuring out how to not let things bother you, and to just unwind after a day of hard work. Take a mental holiday now and then, or go on a vacation somewhere relaxing. Get enough sleep each night. You basically want to find ways for rest and relaxation to be part of your normal week.

Step 5

Exercise. Start an exercise program, and stick to it. If you don't have a lot of time, make it something simple. For example, you could start walking one mile after work three evenings per week. Come up with something you can do every week on a consistent basis, so your body can adjust your hormonal balances and keep the balance steady.

Step 6

Use food to balance your hormones naturally. You want to eat at least five servings of fresh fruits and vegetables daily, including leafy vegetables, berries, and citrus fruits. Eat whole grains, seeds and nuts, and fish such as salmon or tuna.

Step 7

Take natural supplements. These should include supplements of vitamins, minerals and essential fats.